#公众号: 说明书指南
工Take ieasy There will be two buses coming in a few minutes.
ALanother B._other Cothers D the other
2. Milie’s research paper isn’tup m sandard She has worked at ifor wo weekes
Asinee Bunless 认 Dalthough
3.To the west ofour school some bookstores and a park
Alies B.lie Chas Di have
全一Were you required home during 由he outbreak of COVID-192
一Yes. Luckily the Internet made it possible for many ofus fiom home,
Astayi to wokk B. stayingi to work Co say; wok D. staying; work
5 一Jim urn down the music Our baby is sleeping.
一Dontwomy He for halfan hour
A.wake up B._has woken up CC wasawake Di has been awake
6.Jenny’s parent were completely when they saw 由e changes in her
A.surprising; amazing B.surprised; amazing
Csurprising; amazed D. surprised; amazed
了.Atfactory will be built for the ofthis wpe ofnew energy car
A. position B._ population CC pmduction D. pronuneiation
8 Tpny joy we ob the bank. Mary has lent us some money
人 shouldn’ B.needn’t Ceouldn’t D. wouldn’t
9. Agreat deal ofmy time with praeticing playing 由e guitar
Aiaken up B._ made up Ciputup Dsetup
10.一Doyou wantio wy some wild ducky
We should prmoteet wild animals
ANo idea B. No pmoblem CNo way D. No doubt
人window acommon but powerful ool 一 apatch(小块) of the worild, firom which our body is separated
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